Dear Pancreas:

Contrary to popular belief, I have not been destroyed by your minions. This battle isn't over yet.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

This one time, at diabetes camp...

I got stuck in the middle of the lake with a British guy and another camper, because the British guy forgot to fill the boat with gas before taking us tubing.

I remember going to a group where there was a guy who was one of the first selected to try an insulin pump.

I remember midnight pricks... and how if you were low at midnight then you got pricked again at 2am....

But what I don't remember, is a sense of belong that I do with online diabetes communities.  Maybe it was my age-- maybe I wasn't quite over the shock of this diagnosis... maybe I was simply too angry... I'm just not quite sure how I felt being with "other diabetics."

I DO know, that I had to go to diabetes camp before I could go to the music camp Interlochen-- the place I really wanted to go.  And oddly, I felt a bigger connection with my peers through music than through diabetes alone.

I also think there were several girls in my cabin who had issues.... (like I should talk, hah).  But you could tell they were struggling too...

Anyways, I think I want a happier song today.  And this song just cracks me up. lol...

Have a good day!

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